Top 11 web development frameworks of 2022 – What You Need To Know

Web development frameworks are sets of programming tools and libraries that help developers build and maintain applications. This is a list of web application framework software packages. Web frameworks like Django, Ruby on Rails and CakePHP allow developers to use pre-developed modules for many common tasks such as file uploads, validation and database abstraction. Other web frameworks like Spring and have a heavier emphasis on software development practices such as dependency injection.

Web development frameworks

In computer programming, web application frameworks are designed to support the development of dynamic web applications, web services and web resources. Web development frameworks provide a standard way to develop websites or software using a component based architecture with well-defined modularity between components.

Web application framework is a program code that provides some kind of support for creating web applications through a set of ready-made tools and several libraries that can be used by developers in their projects. That allows developers to use only those functions which they want to include in an app without needlessly copying large parts from other programs implementing related features. In the simplest case you might not need any additional code at all since the framework covers the basic needs of your program.

Many web development frameworks include components such as: object-relational mapping (ORM) for database access, templating frameworks and model–view–controller (MVC) architectures. The choice between a modern web application framework and a more traditional approach depends on many factors. Performance is one; if you can get away with less server memory because you need to serve fewer requests then that’s an advantage. A framework might also be more extensible than existing code so it’s easier to add new features later on even though doing so would have been harder without using a particular tool or library in the first place. Many other factors come into play when making a decision about what kind of web development framework to use.

In this article we will provide you information about the list – top 11 best web development frameworks which will be used for website development in 2022.

* CakePHP

CakePHP is an open-source rapid development framework for PHP based on the model–view–controller (MVC) approach. It can be used to develop large applications with a much more rapid development time. It contains both a template engine, giving support for view rendering, as well as an object-relational mapper that manages database access.


* CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. Here are some of the features: a powerful and flexible Object Oriented (OO) and event-driven model, a pre-built User Authentication system, helpers for text translations without having to load any external files; and many more.

* Django

Django is a free and open-source web framework written in Python which follows the model–view–controller architectural pattern. It is maintained by a community of developers and designers at the Django Software Foundation. Django’s primary goal is to ease the creation of complex, database-driven websites.

* Kohana

Kohana 3 is an open source, object oriented HMVC framework built using PHP5, compatible with PHP7 and licensed under the new BSD License. It was created as an alternative to other frameworks for projects where execution speed is important.

* Ruby on Rails

Rails is a web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT License. It is a model–view–controller (MVC) framework, providing default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages. All three frameworks use similar idioms and syntax that permit less experienced developers to rapidly build sites using common proven concepts. Since they follow the MVC architecture, it’s fairly easy to switch between them if you have knowledge in one of these frameworks then you can easily work in another one. However, if you have very limited knowledge in MVC architecture then maybe this choice will make your work harder since you’re going to need to learn almost everything from scratch.

Ruby on Rails

* Flask

Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug and Jinja 2. It was created by Armin Ronacher. Flask emphasizes flexibility and simplicity, and aims to make the full power of Python as easy to use as possible. This makes Flask a good choice when building prototypes, but less useful in cases where you need a large amount of custom functionality.

* Symfony2

Symfony2 is an open source PHP web application framework implemented using the model–view–controller architectural pattern. Symfony2 is written in PHP, and is usable on any platform which supports both PHP 5.3 and MySQL 5+.

* Yii

Yii is an open source project developed under the MIT license. It comes with a full-stack web development framework to help you build complex web applications using object-oriented programming approach. Yii have many features such as Model–View–Controller (MVC), ActiveRecord, internalization support, authentication & authorization, scaffolding support, caching support, input validation etc. All these features are very helpful during the development process of large web applications that require high performance abilities. If you’re looking for simple yet effective web development framework then this one might be for you since it’s very easy to use and learn.

* Laravel

Laravel is a free PHP framework, intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It was created by Taylor Otwell.

* FuelPHP

FuelPHP provides you with a huge set of tools that are helpful during your web development tasks. The main goal is “simplicity” which makes this framework very simple to learn yet powerful at the same time. However it’s not as popular as the other frameworks on our list so if you want something well known then maybe you should look elsewhere. But it doesn’t mean that FuelPHP isn’t a great framework, it just comes down to personal preferences.

* Django

Django is a free and open source web application framework, written in Python. It follows the model–view–controller architectural pattern and was designed to handle complex websites with large traffic. If you’re looking for a strong development framework which can help you create a powerful web application then Django might be what you’re waiting for since this one offers almost everything that other frameworks on our list provide but it’s usually more expensive.


Rails, Flask, Symfony2, Yii framework are the top web development frameworks of 2022 since these five provide all needed tools for your web application. Django is also a strong candidate for best web development framework but it’s usually more expensive than other options on our list. You can find even more information about these development frameworks on the official websites.

In our opinion, Flask is a good choice for web developers with limited previous experience in MVC architecture since it’s very easy to understand and use. Symfony2 isn’t that popular but if you want a powerful framework then this one might be just what you need. However, if you have a big budget then Yii might be a better choice because of its features and abilities. On the other hand, Django is a great framework for creating large web applications but it’s usually more expensive than others from our list so keep that in mind when planning your future projects.