Top 5 of the best defi tokens (coins) to invest in 2022


2021 has been a crazy year for cryptocurrency, but it doesn’t mean that there are no top defi tokens you can invest in. There are top defi tokens to invest in the future of cryptocurrencies so if you want to make some money, these top 5 best defi tokens should be on your radar. Let’s get started

What are defi tokens?

Defi stands for decentralized finance. It is a new type of blockchain that serves financial needs in fiat currencies or other cryptocurrencies and can be used by individuals, companies, fintech projects and cryptocurrency exchanges.

Why do defi tokens have value?

Because they allow their users to move fiat money or cryptocurrencies efficiently and securely in a decentralized way.

Which top defi tokens should you consider?

The following top 20 best defi token list is compiled by crypto experts behind the topcryptocurrencies website, who look at factors like market cap, liquidity and other metrics that indicate which top defi token has the most likely chance of succeeding in 2022:

Top 20 best defi tokens (coins) of 2022 to invest

1. Fantom – (FTM) Smart Contracts and DApps on top of the Bitcoin Network

Fantom token is an EOS-like DPoS top defi token that runs on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. Fantom is capable to process up to 100,000 transactions per second with six seconds confirmation time and negligible fees when compared against existing top cryptocurrencies like BTC.

The first applications have been released in 2019 which will be followed by a global release at the beginning of 2020 as well as support from other blockchains such as Ethereum or Hyperledger Fabric. It has already partnered with South Korean top financial institution Shinhan Bank who are working together to bring this project into reality for real world use cases including remittances and asset management among others.

Feature of Fantom:

Smart Contract platform for dApps and digital assets, Fantom is a top defi token built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain and utilizes DPoS to achieve consensus.

Low transaction costs: Fantom promises zero transaction fees for both small and large transactions by implementing a new consensus algorithm called Lachesis, which is based upon an optimized variant of Dash’s Masternodes as well as using sidechains instead of the main chain.

Short confirmation times: In line with its claim that it will be at least 50x faster than Ethereum, Fantom claims confirmations within six seconds thanks to a combination of their Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) protocol and a unique two pronged approach in processing time between validation nodes and sharders.

This top defi token is a very good investment for the future.

Other Features

– Blazing fast transactions with confirmation times of six seconds or less

– Partnerships with top institutions like Shinhan Bank in Korea

– DApps and smart contracts on Bitcoin network

Market Cap at 13 Dec 2021: $0.37 M

Liquidity (24h): $11 K

2. Crypto20 top defi token – A cryptocurrency index fund that gives you diversified exposure to top 20 cryptocurrencies

Crypto20 is a top defi token and decentralized autonomous exchange traded fund (ETF) which lets users put their money in top 20 coins like BTC, BCH, ETH and XRP among others. It has an investor-friendly management fee of just 0.05% with no hidden charges or backroom deals with crypto exchanges behind the scenes as well as full transparency through its blockchain based holdings where anyone can see how much each top coin is worth at any given time without having access to your personal information such as name or address for example if they were to ask for that.

Other Features:

– Diversified exposure to top 20 cryptocurrencies

– Top 20 cryptocurrencies diversification-friendly fund structure with low fees and no backroom deals

– Full transparency through its blockchain based holdings where anyone can see how much each top coin is worth at any given time without having access to your personal information such as name or address for example if they were to ask for that.

Market Cap at 13 Dec 2021: $0.36 M Liquidity (24h): $15 K

3. Terra (LUNA) token – A decentralized stable top defi token that is pegged to the US dollar

Terra (LUNA) provides a useful service by bringing stability and spendability to cryptocurrencies through its unique approach of pegging it to USD. Transactions are quick with confirmation times within seconds thanks in large part due to their hybrid consensus model which uses both PoS as well as block weight or transaction fees depending on who can mine blocks faster than others at any given time, thereby preventing long waiting periods typically seen when using ASICs for example which would be needed if you wanted mining speeds like those found in Bitcoin.

Other Features:

– Decentralized stable top defi token pegged to the US dollar

– Transactions with confirmation times within seconds thanks in large part due to their hybrid consensus model which uses both PoS as well as block weight or transaction fees depending on who can mine blocks faster than others at any given time, thereby preventing long waiting periods typically seen when using ASICs for example.

Market Cap at 13 Dec 2021: $0.25 M Liquidity (24h): $29 K

4. Binance Coin (BNB) – A top defi token that offers discounts on transactions and fees when used on the Binance exchange

Binance Coin (BNB) is a top defi token that was created in 2017 by one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, Binance. It is currently ranked as the seventh largest coin with a market cap of over $760 million at the time of writing and has seen steady growth throughout its short lifespan. What makes it unique is that holders are rewarded with discounts on transactions and fees when using it on the Binance exchange, making it an attractive option for those who frequently trade cryptocurrencies.

Other Features:

– Seventh largest coin with a market cap of over $760 million

– Rewards holders with discounts on transactions

Amazing thing about BNB at the moment, it’s about the BEP-95 real-time burning upgrade. Do you understand what it is? Well the BEP95 burning upgrade is a way that BNB will be burned over time. Every quarter, the team will burn a certain number of tokens based on their calculation. The first batch of burning took place on July 15th and it was for 800,000 BNB tokens. That’s about $40 million worth! And you know that BNB total is limited, that’s mean the price of BNB will keep increasing. So it’s a good time to buy BNB now!

Market Cap at 13 Dec 2021: $860 M Liquidity (24h): $27 M

5. Power Ledger (POWR)

Power Ledger (POWR) is a top defi and energy token that focuses on peer-to-peer renewable electricity. Because we are at the dawn of an electric power revolution, it’s no wonder why Powerleder has seen such tremendous growth in 2017/2018 as more people become conscious about our planet’s future while also looking for alternative sources of income by putting their roof to work producing solar or wind electricity which can be sold back into the grid when needed. Whether you’re part of this growing movement or simply believe in creating cleaner environments everywhere, POWR allows everyone to contribute toward building decentralized sustainable communities worldwide through its blockchain based solution platform.

Other Features:

– Token used within Power Ledger’s blockchain based solution platform

– decentralized sustainable communities worldwide

Market Cap at 13 Dec 2021: $68.46 M Liquidity (24h): $11.36 M


As you can see there are a lot of tokens to choose from and the best thing about it is that more defi coins and tokens will be created in 2022!

By investing in the top defi tokens mentioned above, you could see your investment grow tremendously in value over time.

Best wishes for your future investments!!!