Best technology of the future – Top 20 predictions

Mind uploading - one of the technology of the future predictions

Technology of the future predictions are always interesting to think about. What will technology be like in 2030? What new inventions will there be?

Some people believe that technology will continue to get more and more advanced, and that we will see things like flying cars and robot maids becoming a reality. Others think that technology will become more simplified, with people using more and more virtual reality technology instead of real-life experiences.

Whatever happens, it’s sure to be interesting to see how technology changes over the next few years – and decades!

Have technology of the future predictions ever come true?

Yes! Many technology of the future predictions have already come true. The technology that people predicted would become a reality included things like virtual reality, self-driving cars , face detection technology, and more.

Some technology changes faster than others – it takes much less time for phone technology to change than car technology. Of course, this means that there are now lots of phones with different features to suit everyone’s needs.

The rate at which technology advances has also increased over recent years due to technological advancements around the world; anyone can invent or develop something new – all they need is the money to do so! This means that although technology does take longer to advance, there are more people working on different aspects of technology every day, which can only lead to better and more innovative technology in the future.

What technology will be in 2030?

This is a difficult question to answer, as no one can really know for sure what will happen. However, many people have predictions about the technology that will be in 2030.

Some experts believe that there will be more virtual reality technology in use by this time, as well as self-driving cars and advanced artificial intelligence. Others think that technology will become much simpler, with people using more apps and less physical technology.

It’s hard to say for sure which of these predictions will come true, but it’s safe to say that technology will continue to advance at a rapid pace over the next few decades, and it will be fascinating to watch technology change as we go!

Top 20 best predictions of the Technology of the future in 2030

We will make a list of top 10 technology of the future in 2030, which are as follows:

1. Virtual Reality technology

Virtual Reality technology is a technology that uses technology to create an interactive environment that can be accessed using human senses. Virtual technology includes the technology of virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality.

Virtual Reality technology

Virtual technology is predicted by many experts to be widely used by people in 2030, due to its huge popularity today . Virtual technology allows you to experience something like you could in real life (for example, playing games or learning things) without having any real-world connections – it’s simply a different world that exists on technology!

2. Self-driving technology

Self-driving technology is technology that allows vehicles such as cars , boats and planes to drive themselves without being operated by humans. This would allow people much more freedom while travelling, as they wouldn’t have to worry about driving themselves.

Self-driving technology

Self-driving technology is predicted by many experts to become very popular in 2030, as it would make travelling much easier and more efficient. There are a few self-driving cars already on the market, such as the Tesla Model S, but they are still in the early stages of development.

3. Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence technology is technology that allows machines or software to be able to think and learn like humans . This technology can be used for tasks such as translating languages, identifying objects and images, and even creating art!

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence technology is predicted by many experts to become extremely popular in 2030. Many businesses are already using artificial intelligence technology to help with various tasks, such as customer service and data entry.

4. Digital technology

Digital technology is technology that uses technology or computers to represent real-world objects or ideas in the form of data. This technology is already huge today , but it’s predicted to become even bigger in 2030, as technology continues to grow and people use the internet more than ever before.

5. Augmented reality technology

Augmented reality technology is technology that allows you to experience a different world by adding information to your current environment . For example, this technology could allow someone wearing special glasses to see an item on a shop shelf in 3D, making it easier for them to choose which items they want to buy!

This technology is predicted by many experts to be very popular in 2030 because of its huge popularity today. Many technology companies are already creating augmented reality technology for mobile devices, such as the iPhone app ‘Layar’.

6. Wearable technology

Wearable technology is technology that can be worn by people , often on their clothes or body. This technology has huge potential and experts predict it to continuously grow in popularity between now and 2030.

7. Sensory technology

Sensory technology is technology used to give artificial sensory experiences . For example, this technology could allow someone to feel like they’re touching something even when they aren’t actually touching anything – it’s simply a virtual sensation!

Sensory technology is predicted by many experts to become very popular in 2030, because of its numerous uses in various situations (for example, technology could be used to allow blind people to ‘feel’ images).

8. Quantum technology

Quantum technology is technology that takes advantage of the power of quantum mechanics . This technology has a huge range of potential applications and experts predict it will grow throughout 2030 as technology continues to become more advanced.

9. Genomics technology

Genomics technology is technology which involves using DNA sequences from any living thing in order to understand those specific things better or create copies of them. This technology can be used by scientists to replicate anything that grows from a seed (for example, crops) and it’s predicted by many experts to become mainstream in 2030.

10. Nanotechnology

Nan is technology based on manipulating materials at the atomic and molecular level, often to create new materials or devices. This technology is already being used in various products today, but experts predict it will become even more popular in 2030 as technology advances.

11. 3D printing

3D printing technology is technology that can create three-dimensional objects from a digital model . This technology has been around for a few years now, but experts predict it will become much more popular in 2030 as the quality of the printers improve and the cost decreases.

12. Biotechnology

Biotechnology is technology that uses biological processes to create useful products . This technology is already being used today in various ways, such as developing new medicines and producing biofuels. Experts predict biotechnology will continue to grow in 2030 as technology advances.

13. Robotics

Robotics technology is technology which allows for the automation of tasks in a more precise way than with technology alone . For example, this technology could be used to create robots that can fight fires or help police officers catch criminals! This technology is already being used today but experts predict it will become far more popular in 2030.

14. Nanofactories

A nanofactory is a hypothetical factory capable of producing a wide range of products through mechanosynthesis using molecular machine systems . This technology would revolutionise manufacturing and experts predict it will be available in 2030, when they believe nanotechnology will have advanced far enough for them to build these kinds of factories.

15. Bioremediation technology

Bioremediation technology is technology that uses organisms to clean areas that have been polluted . For example, this technology could be used to clean up oil spills and other types of pollution. This technology has already been used by scientists today but experts predict it will become more mainstream in 2030 as technology advances further.

16. Dyson spheres

A Dyson sphere is a proposed megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures most or all of its power output , allowing for humanity to harness enormous amounts of energy from stars. In the future, technology may advance far enough for humans to build these kinds of structures around stars using nanotechnology – therefore experts predict that many people will believe these spheres exist in 2030!

17. Dyson swarm

A Dyson swarm is a huge number of satellites that completely surround a star, collecting its energy and directing it to a planet . This technology has been proposed as a way for humanity to harness enormous amounts of energy from stars – which experts predict will become much more mainstream in 2030.

18. Fusion technology

Fusion technology is technology which uses the power of fusion reactions taking place in stars like our sun, to create new forms of energy . This technology has been proposed as a way for humanity to harness enormous amounts of energy from the sun and experts predict it will become mainstream around 2030 as technology advances further.

19. Antimatter engines

Antimatter engines are engines that use antimatter as fuel , allowing for spacecraft to travel vast distances in a relatively short amount of time. This technology is still in development and is not yet available to the public, but experts predict it will be available by 2030.

20. Mind uploading

Mind uploading is the process of transferring a person’s mind into a computer system . This technology has been around for a few years now, but experts predict it will become much more popular in 2030 as technology advances and people become more comfortable with the idea.


As technology advances, the future of technology becomes more and more exciting! In this article, we have looked at some of the predictions experts are making for 2030. These include technology such as biotechnology, robotics, nanofactories, bioremediation technology, Dyson spheres, fusion technology and antimatter engines. So what will the world be like in 2030? Only time will tell!